viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015

Infinity RPG:KS en Septiembre

Ya tenemos fechas para el inicio del mecenazgo en masa de Infinity RPG,de la empresa inglesa Modiphius Entertainment y basada en el wargame Infinity the Game de la empresa española Corvus Belli.
Si bien es cierto que esperaba antes del Interplanetario alguna cosa mas del testeo del juego,como unas hojas de personaje retocadas y demás,tras finalizar el evento y al haber quedado muy contentos con lo acontecido durante el evento ambas empresas,Chris Birch ha anunciado vía newsletter que la primera semana de septiembre va a empezar el mecenazgo del juego en Kickstarter,y que va a durar hasta la primera de Octubre.Un mes entero,vamos.
En un principio iba a hacer un pre-pedido/pre-venta y luego el mecenazgo,pero al final se han quedado solo con el mecenazgo.Para darle los últimos toques han sacado esta encuesta(Esta empresa las usa mucho) para saber que cosas pueden demandar los futuros mecenas del proyecto y por donde van sus gustos.Si estáis interesados en el proyecto,rellenarla.
Ademas,ha dado algunos datos interesantes.En muy resumidas cuentas,ya que os dejo el newsletter abajo,lo mas importante es esto:
-El mecenazgo será en Ingles,pero habrá material traducido y recompensas en otros idiomas,español como es lógico entre ellos.
-Se traducirá el juego a otras ediciones?Van a intentar que si y que haya en español,alemán y francés en asociación con otras empresas.CB seguramente se encargue de todo lo español.
-Habrá un libro básico,suplementos para el DM,aventuras,dados,cartas y mucho material extra para las facciones del juego,entre otras cosas(En la encuesta detallan que quieren sacar)
-Habrá miniaturas "semi-exclusivas" del mecenazgo.Es decir,tendrás unas minis para conseguir como mecenas y luego otras que se venderán,que serán esas mismas pero con otras posturas y retocadas.Como las miniaturas serán de la misma escala y diseño que las del wargame,esto a mas de uno le va a interesar,sobre todo coleccionistas.
-Habrá al menos dos campañas importantes y  aventuras tipo "Stand alone".
-Se utilizarán tres sistemas de creación de personajes para hacerlos completamente diferentes entre si de forma aleatoria.
-Nuevas ilustraciones para el juego,completamente nuevas.
-El libro base esperan tenerlo impreso para navidades,con aventuras en PDF disponibles para ese momento y lo que se vaya desbloqueando durante el mecenazgo a la venta durante todo 2016.
-Y durante el mecenazgo se podrá descargar,gratis,un PDF de 32 paginas para empezar a jugar al juego.
Entre otras cosas,una que me ha hecho gracia.Habrá un nivel de mecenas llamado "Nivel Bostria" por 200 libras(Que viene a ser unos 276 euros al cambio actual) porque el que,junto con todo lo desbloqueable que salga podrás ser retratado y salir como personaje en el juego de rol...incluido perfil de juego y una pequeña historia!
A mas de uno le va a encantar,fijo.

Este es el newsletter:
"We had an amazing welcome at the official Infinity tournament 'Interplanetary' in Vigo, Spain. Two local GM's were hosting a lot of people trying the Infinity RPG and Chris ran about eight 2 hour sessions to give as many people as possible a taste for what is to come. In fact we had 8 players in one game! 
The highlight was running a game for Carlos, Alberto, Gutier and Fernando, some of the founders of Corvus Belli!

Ok we have some exciting news!

We're going to launch the Kickstarter for the Infinity Roleplaying Game around the first week of September and we want you to be ready, plus we need your help! 
Help us by completing THIS survey:
We want to know what YOU want to see in the RPG line and what is more important to you so we can structure the Kickstarter to be better for everyone!

Okay some important info - we know many of you have important questions so here goes:

- Originally we were doing a pre-order and then a Kickstarter, but with the delay to spend more time on development we decided to just do one Kickstarter and keep it simple. It will run for a month until the first week of October.
- The Kickstarter will be in English, but we will aim to have translations of the main text of the Kickstarter page and rewards in Spanish, German and French if possible.
- Will there be other Language Editions? Later on we hope to work with partners to produce German, French and Spanish versions of the books. We're in discussions about these but most likely they will happen in 2016 and we will announce more info when we can. 
- There will be a core book, a GM supplement with extra rules and plots and secrets for all the factions, then supplements for each of the factions with background info and dedicated character generation for that faction, campaigns, an aliens supplement, floor tiles to use with miniatures (if you want, you don't need to use minis), custom dice, card decks, and more. Read the survey for more info. 
- There will be miniatures, which will be semi exclusive to the Kickstarter. You will be able to get them later on but with different poses. Bostria has been showing some of the designs off and we'll have high resolution images to show you soon! 
- There will be a couple of major campaigns - one starts on a ship of Ariadne recruits (and other faction crew) bound for Paradiso and the unfolding invasion. You'll learn the rules on the journey, discover a plot and end up at the centre of a major story. This is based on one of the Corvus Belli's team's early Infinity RPG adventures. There will be stand alone adventures and one of them starts on the space station during the meeting of factions when the first Combined Army attack destroys the station - you'll be running & gunning as you try to escape and protect the VIP's. 
- What about character creation? You'll be using three systems (total point buy to get exactly what you want, total random to start with a unique character or guided lifepath where you spend a few points to guide the random lifepath creation) to generate a character that will be affected by Birth Faction, random life events, Social Status, Environment you were brought up in (colony, farm, space station, ship, big city etc), Education, then you go through from 2-4 Primary Careers to add to your skills, talents, gear etc. Yes you will be able to make exactly the character you want matching the favourite Infinity miniature!
- There will be all new artwork in the books, plus lots of new content on the Factions and Combined Army. We will of course include some existing information for people who don't have the Infinity rulebooks. 
- We're expecting the core book to be printed for Christmas, along with other accessories, the first adventure and campaign will be available in PDF, then the other unlocked books will be ready during 2016. Dates to be confirmed. 
- There will be a free 32 page 'How to Play' book to download in September during the Kickstarter campaign which will introduce you to the rules with nice artwork, a short adventure and pre-generated characters so you can try it out.

- What can you expect of the Kickstarter? 
Check out the survey to see the examples of choices you can make for the pledges:
There will be something like ... a 'Bostria Master' Pledge  ;-) for £200 which gets you drawn in to the core book as a character with your own stats and a short piece of story. You can join the Infinity story! This includes the hardcover core book and all the unlocked PDF's and exclusive adventure
There will be some other pledges once we organise things and you'll find out more soon
There will be a Retailer's Pledge - reply to this email f you would like more info on this. 
There will be lots of cool add on's like minis, dice, tiles, and so on. Stretch Goals will unlock these and each of the supplements and you'll be able to select which supplements you want in print. Check out the survey for more info. 
Our shipping is usually very good value and we work hard to make it as low a price as possible. We also offer the chance to pick up at events in London (Dragonmeet or the Modiphius office), UK Games Expo, Gen Con, or Essen once the books are printed. We also provide options to get one or more shipments so you can decide when you get everything.

There's a lot more to tell you but this should be enough for now! We will be unveiling the cover very soon! If you'd like to ask questions please post them in our forum here."

Atentos,pues porque vamos a tener un final de verano,principio de otoño movido y calentito...

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